A blog about crafting, decorating, scrapbooking, family, thrifting, food, and whatever else happens...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Medicine Cap Name Badge Flowers
If you are a nurse, you definitiely know what THESE are:
and if you aren't a nurse, well, THIS is what they are:
~ the caps/tops off of the medicines that we give to our patients.
When I started working at the hospital I noticed the nurses were saving these caps & I asked why & my preceptor (trainer) told me the pharmacy used them to make flowers for the name badges. I didn't see any for a while but when I did they were so cute and I thought it was a great & creative way to turn trash to treasure. I am not sure how many other people know about it or do this at their own hospitals but I've met several other nurses who have never seen them so I figured I'd share them here and on Pinterest.
They are super easy to make. You just use glue- either hot glue or super glue for permanency- & attach them to your badge clip.
At my hospital, we use these round ones that have a string to pull down from the circle but I have seen some folks just glue them to the silver clippie part of their badge. I bought this pack of 6 from Walmart in the office supply section for about $2 or so:
You arrange them however you like with whatever colors you want.A lot of folks try to get school or college colors, I noticed. This is how they look like this from the horizontal view:
So here's a pic of a finished one where she also placed a small heart sticker on it:
And I also wanted to show you this one becuase one of our transport gal's grand child made it- she went a little heavy on the glue but she's 4 years old- look at that pattern. She said it is really fun for her grand kids and teaches them dexterity- I didn't even think of THAT. Also, she said she lets the kids use school glue for safety reasons but it does take longer to dry and they fall off sooner.
If you wanted to, even if you aren't a nurse- you could probably get the hospital to save them for you if all they are doing is throwing them away- and you could just pick them up a certain day each month or when ever. We have been giving small craft size plastic bags our meds come in to someone for her jewelry and the IV tourniquet bands they tie around your arm to start an IV- we save those for a man who makes them into slingshots... of course we can only give the clean things away, just in case you're wondering. Nothing that has been in an isolation room or anything. And we wipe everything off with our hospital grade sani wipes too, before letting someone have them.
Thanks for looking & be blessed,
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Just Ducky!!!
I told you in my last post that I had been hoarding supplies for projects and I wasn't lying. This is one I did yesterday when the rain had stopped long enough for me to paint something. I never knew you could spray paint glass until I saw some of the posts on BetterAfter & others. ----WHAT?!?! You mean all those things I gave away cuz they were the wrong color- I could've saved them???? ...Oh well, now I know.
So remember the country blue & duck fad of the lates 80's/early 90's? I got rid of all that stuff years ago but I guess my Granny had not. For my Bday this past May my Aunt Sue gave me a pitcher that had been my Granny Merritt's. My aunt and my mom are Hoarders for sure and I am trying not to be, but I am incredibly sentimental so it's kind of hard... but I CAN walk through my house (if not my bedroom- & I am working on that so...) but anyway- here is the picture of the pitcher BEFORE~
And another in case the first one didn't make you groan or wince enough~
And I HAVE to say, before I go any further, that my mother would probably have a kannipshun fit if she knew that I had painted my granny's pitcher, but I loved my Granny & I know she loved me- she always signed her letters and cards to me with, "I love you and Jesus loves you too" (side note-Thank you to BOTH my Grannies- for instilling in me, the knowledge that I am a child of a God in Heaven who knows & loves me) so anyway- my point is- if my Granny Merrit was still alive and I had asked for that pitcher and I had told her, "Granny, I'm gonna paint this white cuz I LOVE the curves and the shape, but these ducks and this blue, well they just don't go with my style right now!" I am CERTAIN my granny would be okay with it and she would've given me her blessing because she wanted me to be happy. So, that being said, I got some Valspar Gloss white spray paint and went to town. Or rather, went to driveway, cuz I had already gotten the paint in town. And here is the result:
WOW! Can I just say that again? WOW!!! WOWWEE WOWZER WOW!!! I am in LOVE with this pitcher now. I hope my Granny can see it. I am sure she likes it better now too. I just can't stop staring at it. I can't wait to put some flowers in it. I was gonna put it on top of my kitchen cabintes but now I just want to keep it in the center of my table. Am I crazy? Surely I am not the only person to fall in love with something just because it is a different color am I?
Thanks to my Aunt Sue for giving it to me and thanks to my blogging genius friends who have posted about painting glass. the truth is, I probably would have just kept this up in the attic until Country blue & ducks came back in style. Okay, you're right- it would've stayed up in the attic till one of MY grands inherited it and donated it to GW or something. One more pic because it seems such an amazing transformation to me:
Okay, now that I have posted twice today, I can get back to my bedroom...I CAN walk through it really, it's just this one corner that is full of boxes from my 5 years of college. I am slowly but surely getting it cleaned up. Wish me luck!
I am linking up with Domestically Speaking's POWER OF PAINT PARTY here:
I took apic with flowers in...forgive the edit to republish but I thought it looked so pretty!
Have a blessed day,
So remember the country blue & duck fad of the lates 80's/early 90's? I got rid of all that stuff years ago but I guess my Granny had not. For my Bday this past May my Aunt Sue gave me a pitcher that had been my Granny Merritt's. My aunt and my mom are Hoarders for sure and I am trying not to be, but I am incredibly sentimental so it's kind of hard... but I CAN walk through my house (if not my bedroom- & I am working on that so...) but anyway- here is the picture of the pitcher BEFORE~
And another in case the first one didn't make you groan or wince enough~
And I HAVE to say, before I go any further, that my mother would probably have a kannipshun fit if she knew that I had painted my granny's pitcher, but I loved my Granny & I know she loved me- she always signed her letters and cards to me with, "I love you and Jesus loves you too" (side note-Thank you to BOTH my Grannies- for instilling in me, the knowledge that I am a child of a God in Heaven who knows & loves me) so anyway- my point is- if my Granny Merrit was still alive and I had asked for that pitcher and I had told her, "Granny, I'm gonna paint this white cuz I LOVE the curves and the shape, but these ducks and this blue, well they just don't go with my style right now!" I am CERTAIN my granny would be okay with it and she would've given me her blessing because she wanted me to be happy. So, that being said, I got some Valspar Gloss white spray paint and went to town. Or rather, went to driveway, cuz I had already gotten the paint in town. And here is the result:
WOW! Can I just say that again? WOW!!! WOWWEE WOWZER WOW!!! I am in LOVE with this pitcher now. I hope my Granny can see it. I am sure she likes it better now too. I just can't stop staring at it. I can't wait to put some flowers in it. I was gonna put it on top of my kitchen cabintes but now I just want to keep it in the center of my table. Am I crazy? Surely I am not the only person to fall in love with something just because it is a different color am I?
Thanks to my Aunt Sue for giving it to me and thanks to my blogging genius friends who have posted about painting glass. the truth is, I probably would have just kept this up in the attic until Country blue & ducks came back in style. Okay, you're right- it would've stayed up in the attic till one of MY grands inherited it and donated it to GW or something. One more pic because it seems such an amazing transformation to me:
Okay, now that I have posted twice today, I can get back to my bedroom...I CAN walk through it really, it's just this one corner that is full of boxes from my 5 years of college. I am slowly but surely getting it cleaned up. Wish me luck!
I am linking up with Domestically Speaking's POWER OF PAINT PARTY here:
I took apic with flowers in...forgive the edit to republish but I thought it looked so pretty!
Have a blessed day,
Redneck Wineglasses
I have been gone awhile I know, but I have been lurking and following a lot of new wonderful & inspiring blogs. I have been at my new job at the hospital for almost 6 months now and I am LOVING it!!! I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for blessing me with my job.
But-onto my post-
I was in a new home decor store the other day and I saw these redneck wine glasses for $17.95~
They were listed online here:
for $14.99 & $5.99 S/H
Seriously?!?!?!? I think not- now that I have seen the AMAZING things some of my blogging friends can do-I mean, it's just a Mason jar glued to a dollar tree glass candlestick right?
Well, I don't drink, but my mom does and I think these would be hilarious to give her as a gag gift, but I am not gonna spend that kind of money on them. I couldn't find this magic E6000 glue that everyone in the rest of the blogging universe has access to, so I got what I thought would work- glass glue- but it didn't stay together. I was very discouraged because I had been so excited about making them.
So, I got to wondering and thinking... And I was certain someone else, more clever than me must have done this before...so I typed "redneck wine glasses" in my search bar and VOILA! I found that a creative blogger had a great tutorial to make them. I hope it's okay that I leave her link here- I am sure many of you know her. I am her newest fan & follower. The tutorial is here at:
My Lowe's also had the same epoxy that she used. Glad to know I am not the only person who can't find the elusive E6000 super adhesive stuff. And VERY glad to know something else works. I also wonder now, if the glass glue would work if I had sanded them first. Oh well, I have another project to try this stuff on.
I got the mason jars from goodwill here for only .35 cents a piece. Since I don't can & I only have my mom to give them to, I didn't want to buy a whole case, y'know. I also have 2 different brands but I figured that's okay cuz what true redneck would have MATCHING wine glasses anyhow right?
This was a fun & easy project too. Thanks again to "crafting with K" for the tutorial. Now that I have a set schedule, I hope to post regularly again. I have been hoarding supplies and I will start actually DOING projects again now.
Oh- I almost forgot to post pics of my own redneck wine glasses~
So I only spent about $1.75 for my Redneck Wine Glasses. The glass glue can be used for so many other things. I think that's a pretty great deal, don't you? Oh, and I tried the glass glue again after sanding and it worked. I didn't have lids for mine since I bought them used and so to hold the jar tight against the candlestick, I filled it with water to weight it down till it bonded which was only about 1 minute. I DID wash them in the dishwasher first- on the SANITIZE setting- since, as My hubs pointed out, my mom really IS s smidgen redneck, and may actually drink out of them.
I am linking to this party at The Thrifty groove:

Y'all have a blessed day!!!
But-onto my post-
I was in a new home decor store the other day and I saw these redneck wine glasses for $17.95~
They were listed online here:
for $14.99 & $5.99 S/H
Seriously?!?!?!? I think not- now that I have seen the AMAZING things some of my blogging friends can do-I mean, it's just a Mason jar glued to a dollar tree glass candlestick right?
Well, I don't drink, but my mom does and I think these would be hilarious to give her as a gag gift, but I am not gonna spend that kind of money on them. I couldn't find this magic E6000 glue that everyone in the rest of the blogging universe has access to, so I got what I thought would work- glass glue- but it didn't stay together. I was very discouraged because I had been so excited about making them.
So, I got to wondering and thinking... And I was certain someone else, more clever than me must have done this before...so I typed "redneck wine glasses" in my search bar and VOILA! I found that a creative blogger had a great tutorial to make them. I hope it's okay that I leave her link here- I am sure many of you know her. I am her newest fan & follower. The tutorial is here at:
My Lowe's also had the same epoxy that she used. Glad to know I am not the only person who can't find the elusive E6000 super adhesive stuff. And VERY glad to know something else works. I also wonder now, if the glass glue would work if I had sanded them first. Oh well, I have another project to try this stuff on.
I got the mason jars from goodwill here for only .35 cents a piece. Since I don't can & I only have my mom to give them to, I didn't want to buy a whole case, y'know. I also have 2 different brands but I figured that's okay cuz what true redneck would have MATCHING wine glasses anyhow right?
This was a fun & easy project too. Thanks again to "crafting with K" for the tutorial. Now that I have a set schedule, I hope to post regularly again. I have been hoarding supplies and I will start actually DOING projects again now.
Oh- I almost forgot to post pics of my own redneck wine glasses~
So I only spent about $1.75 for my Redneck Wine Glasses. The glass glue can be used for so many other things. I think that's a pretty great deal, don't you? Oh, and I tried the glass glue again after sanding and it worked. I didn't have lids for mine since I bought them used and so to hold the jar tight against the candlestick, I filled it with water to weight it down till it bonded which was only about 1 minute. I DID wash them in the dishwasher first- on the SANITIZE setting- since, as My hubs pointed out, my mom really IS s smidgen redneck, and may actually drink out of them.
I am linking to this party at The Thrifty groove:

Y'all have a blessed day!!!
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